Thursday 5 December 2013

Male Life Drawing - Muscular Anatomy

In the drawing above I have tried to show some of the muscles in the male anatomy. The model was skinny so it was hard to show muscles but I feel in the back and arms I have shown some basic but effective lines and shading displaying these features. Some features which show some muscle form are the arms. The shape of the arms are very clear showing that the top half of the arm is bigger than the bottom half. The pose that the model was in made it possible to see the muscles in the back clearly. This was because the arms were placed behind the torso. 

In this drawing I used a graphic pencil because it was easier to capture the different shades and muscles. I have tried to show how the movements of the model affect the different skeletal muscles, which can been seen on the left arm. I have tried to make the left arm tense by adding shading and stretching. I used strong lines because it was the most effective way to show the muscles. 

Overall I have shown skeletal muscles using shading and strong lines. Even though the model was tricky to draw because he had a small frame, the pose was very good for showing basic muscles.

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